Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When the blue sky and ocean shine and overlap, the tears will dry, summer is smiling

Just like Connie, for me, the end of my first year in college is soon coming to a close. What Thomas said today, I also agree: things will be different next school year (not that they'll be bad) so we should cherish the memories of this year! Couldn't help getting a bit emotional and especially thinking how I'll be this summer (in a certain relationship with a certain someone that I know you guys know what I'm talking about). I just want this to pull through summer just fine, seriously, I know I might overthink things, but it's something I can't help?

But on a lighter note though, there are things to look forward for the summer and goals to fulfill (or at the very least, give a good effort in trying to fulfill).
-Got a job! Most of you guys already know, I should be working in Sam's mom's insurance office as an assistant of some sort. Hopefully I can do really well and expect a little more out of it. Kinda anxious for it to start, definitely.
-I made the choice to learn Japanese, so this summer, I'm still going to open the textbooks and review my Japanese, especially grammar. I want to be proficient! So I can to go to Japan again and get around without too much English and wild hand gestures.
-Which means, I must make a return to watching Jdramas.
-Learn more around the kitchen. Last summer I learned how to prepare food to be cooked, this time I hope to be able to at least cook up some simple dishes from my dad.
-In general though, still be of more help to my parents. (: I admit I don't like housework, but I need to be less lazy and spend more time with my family.

Looks like a good list to fulfill for now. If there's anything else, I'll mention it next time!